I've always wanted R to wear a baby doll. I think it says something about the world when a man wears a baby. My man wears his baby, and my baby will wear his baby as a man. We're being the change over here.
I've gotten R to wear his baby a few times.

There are a few patterns online, but this one looked the best and most helpful.

I spent an entire evening on Bevery Fabrics (a night well spent, I think!) and picked out these fabrics.
For the straps, Kona Cotton - Turquoise:
For one side of body, Spring Street - Raindrop
For the reverse side of body, Roar Cotton - Lion Toss Burmuda
Of course, days after I placed the order, they wrote to say the Raindrops one was out of stock. Great.
After a great many tears, I swapped it with Spring Street Cotton - Green (same company, so the colors are close).
I took a day off from work to put it all together (since I can't seem to get my act together to sew any other time, plus it gets really dark in here in the evenings). Now, I took a ton of pictures of the process, because I was so proud of myself for officially following a pattern, but I can't seem to find any of them. There was a crisis with a corrupt SD card at one point, so I think that's where they went. :(
But I do have pictures of the finished product!
He knew exactly what to do with it when he opened it! He started saying "Max! Back!" and pointing to his back!