Fun Fact: I took 4,150 photos and videos in 2014. Here are just a few.
We started the new year in our new apartment in Northampton, having moved from Queens just a few weeks before. To my credit, there were only a few boxes still around, but Christmas had made the apartment a little hectic.
I had spent New Year's Eve with the Flu, but we still got our beans in.
My new full-time job was being mama, so I spent my time trying to figure out fun things for the child (and not watching TOO much Netflix).
We had people over for birthday dinner and Pineapple Upside Down Cake!
January also saw my first Etsy sale!!! I put up Rowan's Pigeon Hat, and by the end of 2014, I had sold about 20 of them!
Even though it was winter, we started riding our bike's a lot!
I also started marketing for my Childbirth Ed classes!
Elephant and Piggie at the Eric Carle Museum.
And Ro starts his college search.
And I finished my last requirements for my Childbirth Ed certification!
Gramma Rita Chamberland died in early February, and after someone came to the funeral with H1N1 Flu, the rest of the Chamberland clan was sick for days. I think the total infected as 25, including Chris and Rowan. I was oddly thankful that I had had it over New Year's, so I could take care of my boys.
Did I mention that since the year had begun, it had not stopped snowing?
Rowan discovered how to take Selfies.
Ro and I visited the city to see friends and grab a few things still at the apartment.
We had one last meal on the floor in the living room ... which is actually how we had our first meal there too.
And we got to see Emily and Zoe and Rafael!
Emily came to visit!
Then I had an In-Reel-Life meetup with some of the ladies from Attached Parents at Work in Boston.
Then remember that time baby malcolm was born 5 weeks early and I missed it by about 30 seconds?
Resurrected the annual Easter Egg Party (without Kerri of course).
Rowan turned three years old!!!
We had a Pigeon Party, and I made Pigeon Cake Pops!
We celebrated a few days early, because on the 11th, I went in for Radioactive Iodine Treatment for my thyroid.
I was quarentined at home for 3 days while the boys and Gipper stayed with the grandparents. I watched a lot of Doctor Who and knit a sweater.
At the end of April we got some good news!!! The co-op board approved our buyer and our apartment sold!
In May, Emily and Zoe came to visit!
For Mother's Day my boys went hiking and left me alone for many many hours, and it was amazing.
Chris and I celebrated 7 years of being married and still liking each other.
I taught my first official childbirth ed series!
We spent the 4th of July in New Hampshire.
I also promised myself I would start my Christmas Tree skirt over the summer.
We kept up with lots of fun activities for the child, lots of knitting for me, and lots of biking.
Butterfly Exhibit with Gramma
Radio Controlled Airplane Show
Dana's wedding was also fast approaching, and I was working hard on her Wedding Programs!
Also, the 3-County Fair has piglet racing.
and teeny tiny tractor pulls.
We spent Labor Day on the Cape with Chris's family.
Ro started Preschool!
And yes I cried.
Northampon offers many fun family activities, like the Gluten Festival.
I had also been riding my bike pretty much all summer ... so yeah, I was pretty proud of that.
Fall started to show itself ...

We tried out stencils for Pumpkin Carving
We went real-life door-to-door Trick-or-Treating!
Chris and I went up to Pittsfield, VT for Janna and Don's Wedding!!! #Lovember8th
We spent Thanksgiving with my parents ... without Power. Hello snowstorm.
And the only Day-After-Thanksgiving shopping we did was to the plant store to see Santa, who gave Ro a high five because he didn't want anything for Christmas.
I finally finished the Tree Skirt!
We sang Christmas Carols down town
The Grandparents went overboard on Christmas ... again.
We spent New Year's Eve in Jammies with the Kinnes and McDonalds, 8pm NYE via Netflix for the Kids, and lots of Mexican Food.
Happy New Year!