Rowan's First Birthday Party!!!
(a.k.a., "showing up every other mom")
Today's Theme: CAKE!!!
His cake is going to be a Xylophone Rainbow cake, with rainbow layers and xylophone keys on top.
Of course I did a dry run of R's First birthday cake 2 months before the actual party. Here is how it went.
6 jelly roll pans
1 box cake mix + mix ingredients (eggs, oil)
2 cans frosting
Duff brand gel food coloring (DUFF!)
Red, Blue, Yellow Fondant

Spray Jelly Roll pans with cooking spray (I like the Baking Pam, because it smells like butter and flour!)
Mix Cake Mix
Separate about 3/4 cup into a smaller mixing bowl.

Mix in food coloring until you get the color you want and pour into one jelly roll pan.

Repeat until you have mixed and poured all your colors (I would have made purple, but ran out of batter).
Bake as directed on box, though it will take less time because the layers are thin.

Let cool and remove from pans. Shake the pans up and down to loosen the cake.
Let cool on wire racks.

When cool, cut the rounded tops off each layer.

Starting with the bottom color, spread a layer of frosting. Place the next color cake on top and spread a layer of frosting. Repeat until you've layered all the cakes.

Spread frosting over the entire cake.

For the Xylophone Keys, roll each color fondant out and cut a rectangle, Red the biggest, and the other colors progressivly smaller. Dab a small blob of frosting or food coloring pen on each end of the keys for the bolts.

Add a marshmallow on a stick for the hammer!!!

Cut and enjoy!