Every year I try to do a recap of the entire year, mostly in pictures. I'm afraid this one is going to be VERY baby-centered!
After a very quiet New Year's Eve/Da (home watching Twilight Zone) I took my birthday off and went shopping. My boss and friend, Emily, was moving to Berlin this week and we had a party for her ... she will forever be known as the one who ruined my birthday.
With a itty baby at home I also didn't get to go out for my birthday dinner. The Ravioli and chocolate mousse cake was pretty good though.
Rowan continued to be adorable.
Baby got all four top teeth in the same week.
Then we all got the plague. Over MLK day my parents came down to visit, and immediately after they left I began puking, et. al. That night Chris got it, and while the plan was for my parents to come back down and take care of the baby while we recovered, they called in the morning and said they were both sick too. The only one that didn't get sick was the baby.
Baby started crawling and climbing on everything, and so his side-car crib got an adjustment so he couldn't climb out.
We hosted our annual Super Bowl party with friends from the neighborhood.
Baby had his first bleeding incident! And it was my fault!!!
I may have cried more than him. Bright side was we were at a friend's for a playdate, and their kid had just been to the ER at least once in the last month for way worse injuries, so they were not phased when I cut his lip with my thumb-nail.
Another bout of Mastitis had me bed-ridden fora few days, and Auntie Stephanie was great and came over in the morning and brought baby to daycare.
On President's Day we met the Forest Hills gang at the Bowling Alley! Babywearing Bowling!
Standing baby!
Baby got really good at going to brunch.
5 Burros
Tower Diner with Grampa
We started topping off the bottle with Cow's milk. A few weeks short of my 12-month goal, but this child has never had a drop of formula in his life, so it was worth it.
I got to start planning for the R's First Birthday!!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Apparently he really wanted to walk in the parade, because the morning of March 17 we had our first steps!

March also found the first of FOUR throat infections in FIVE months. I was on a Jamba Juice liquid diet for several weeks.
Our "Summer" vacation to New Hampshire.

We started prepping for Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Hurricane Sandy

Best Gift for Chris - a trip to Miami for the National Championship game! (he also doesn't get a birthday present, or probably a christmas present next year.)

Getting ready for the new year, it was time for our annual "get this crap out of our house" cleaning spree.
Here's what we did this weekend:
- Cleared out my magazines (because I can read them on my new iPad!!!)
- Cleaned out and wiped out all the drawers
- Wiped down all the cabinets
- Took out the shelves over the sink, cleared out unused classes, turned shelves upside down (to fix warping)
- Cleared out the fabric I'm never going to use
- Donated 5 bags of clothes (some of those from the "fabric" bin)
- Cleaned out the hall closet, getting rid of a bunch of canvas bags, a rolling suitcase, a swiffer sweeper (no more hard wood floors)
- Pulled out the shelving in hall closet and re-installing shelves that actually function as shelves
- Put away christmas decorations and got rid of the tree
Closet Before:

Closet After:

New Year's Eve
I spent new year's eve at Jenn and Elvin's house, playing games and generally making a ruckus.

Chris was so good to stay home with the baby ... and also to deal with my slightly hung-over self the next day.

Happy New Year Everyone!