also, wtf is this? and where can I get one?

... to plan too many projects with not enough time to finish them.
As we've seen, there are a lot of babies coming, and I'm realizing that many may have to settle for practical gifts and store-bought clothes, because I really don't have time to make things for everyone.
I've been seeing some amazing crochet gifts on Pinterest, and I want to do something for the Moms like crochet market bags or slippers or something.
I made Baby's stocking last year, but it didn't finish the way I wanted -- the pattern at the stop was very tight, so when I switched to a regular stockinet stitch for the heel, it stretched out a lot and looked really weird.
Now because I was doing this up until the moment Santa arrived, I didn't have time to fix it. So that's on the list to do before December 24. I also don't love how the name embroidery came out, so I want to fix that too.
Someday I'd also like to make a Tree Skirt, but that may have to wait until a summer without babies.
Via Pinterest:
I was finally able to sew something from start to finish, without the baby yelling at me (too much).
Problem: The cushion on the couch/futon slides down when you sit on it, and after a while it's half way down the frame.
Other problem: The bottom of the cushion is then half way off the end, leading to baby and puppy tumbles.
Goal: Put ties or straps on the top to attach it to the back, like this.
Fabric: Chris generously donated a t-shirt for the cause.
Step 1: Cut it up
I decided I needed 4 sets of traps. I cut 8 strips each about 3" x 13".
Step 2: Sew each strap in half to make a tube.
Step 3: Cut yourself on the needle and bleed on the fabric (optional).
Step 4: Turn tube right-side out.
I tried a few ways of doing this.
First I sewed up the side and then across one end, folding it and "hemming" it. I pushed the end through the tube and turned it rightside out just by pushing. This was difficult but worked in the end.
Then I tried sewing down the side and just across the end without hemming. I still had issues turning it right-side out.
Then I tried sewing across and THEN down one side, leaving long thread tails on the corner. If I left a very small hole where I started (by NOT doing a reinforcement stitch backwards), I could fit a tapestry needle through the whole and putt the tails inside and through the tube. Grab the needle and threads and pull. Much easier to turn right-side out.
Step 5: Measure, pin, and sew straps to mattress cover.
Tip: Measure the couch frame, not the cover. Because I wasn't sure where the edges of the cover fell when on the mattress, and because the edges were curved, I measured from the center of the futon frame and then from the center of mattress cover.
I reinforced the strap with diagonal stitches and double zig-zags on the ends.
Step 6: Put cover back on mattress and tie off.
Oh boy, there are so many babies coming soon! I have a running list in my phone that I just add to when someone else tells me there's a new family member cooking.
Baby Eleanor (Kerri + Dan) is making her way out soon.
Baby Rana from Nickelodeon is coming in October, along with another that I probably shouldn't know about.
November finds baby boy Porter and baby girl Guerrero.
December brings baby boy Androlli.
January brings one more that hasn't been officially announced, so I will list no names here.
Now I have to decide who gets real presents and who gets BRU gift cards.
Obviously baby Eleanor is super special and will continue to be the recipient of all my creative juices. So far she has ...
I have so many more ideas for a cutie little girl that needs spoiling ...
And baby Androli probably needs to having something fun (and I don't think his parents read this anyway, so here goes ...)
Dad went to Notre Dame, so the sweater I've made a few times would be a good choice.
But Mom and Dad seems to argue over NFL teams, Vikings and Packers. I love the idea of a half and half jacket or jersey.
Half Packers, Half Vikings?
Yes, I got a yarn tattoo. I'm really happy with it. Mostly because my mother thought it was actual yarn sewn into my skin. I guess I don't need to worry that it's not realistic.
Oh the babies just keep coming ...
Someone I know is having a baby. A baby girl. And dad of said baby girl sort of loves Star Wars. So much so that if said baby were a boy, they were going to name it Luke Skywalker Kinne. They may have been kidding ... though I doubt it.
Anyway, mother of said baby girl, STOP READING NOW.
I mean it. Stop it.
If you keep reading, your baby will come out a liar.
Ok, so Star Wars. I love Star Wars crafts. They're so easy. And adorable.
And the only girl in Star Wars is Princess Leia. What what is the most iconic Princess Leia outfit?
No, not the gold bikini. Not till she's older. No, it's the side buns.
And pretty easy to knit.
So something special for baby. Maybe a bath towel or robe.
(with buns?)
White with belt and buns?
Maybe some wash clothes to go with it?