Attempt #1
"Have a Nice [Birth]Day" Cake Pops

Yellow Candy Melt -- had to add about a tsp of vegetable oil to thin it out a little
I let the sticks dry a little in the balls after dropping a few in the candy.
You can see that some are prettier than others.
The Food Coloring pen did not work too well. I thin maybe it needed a rougher surface, and the oily candy melt was too smooth.
The Gel food coloring tube worked much better, but wouldn't have dried enough to decorate and then transport.

Got them to work in one piece and decorated with the Gel food coloring tube.
A few of my favorite faces . . .

Have a "Holy Shit" Day

Have a Magical Day

Have a "Shit-Eating Grin" Sort of Day

Have a Piratey Day

Happy Birthday, Stephanie!
Stay tuned for the next installment . . . Super Bowl Sunday "I don't care who's playing as long as there is cake" pops.
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